Monday, July 1, 2013

Models in ads (panorama)

the sky seems to be different on the left as well with the levels and horizon line.  It seems like a bad attempt at a panorama.  The photo editing on the models is very good although the females are made out to be more tan than the man.  The use of wind gives the photo some movement like we can relte to the wind blowing through our hair.  Not really sure what this ad is representing but photo wise could use some work.


Images that are larger like this can be used as headers and are great for advertising and marketing for your business.  The clouds in this pana are begining to get washed out as they enter the right side of the picture.  The levels work between the water and the rocks look on point except for maybe the green.  I would have done a different crop on this image though, i would have cropped it so it has more sky showing than water.


Using your surroundings is a good way to get the perfect picture for that shot like an album cover, there is alot going on but this looks like it could be used for an advertisment in a magaxzine for music, clothing, or sunglasses.  Its urban, its eccentric.  The levels are YELLOW.  people dont think about leveles to much in the real world it seems to me.

Wedding Photography (portrait)

when i think of photography one of the first businesses affiliated i think about is the wedding photo feild.  This is one of the largest profit areas for photographers.  Every wedding photo is a portrait though, unless the bride and groom are super adventourous, but still that doesnt leave much room to work with.  When i see a portrait i want to see things like, flawlessness in every corner nook and cranny, the overall portrait of the bride is basically the one time in her life where she actually shines like a quee, the photographer got a great shot here with the sun angle lighting up her vail.  the levels in the bride are a bit red, the background very yellow

design company

This is a clean photo with goo editing on the skin healing, and skin tones.  the lip looks a little bit too red and the overall picture is very blue.  The teeth do look a little yellow as well, im not sure why these colors were picked but they are not working.  the skin is popping to much its so bright. turn it down.

self portrait

I think this reflection really gives the portrait a different side to how the photographer is displayed.  I dont think any levels work was done here at all everything loos red and orange, maybe the intent but it looks muddy.

Model (photoshoped)

The teeth look a bit blown out, the shadow on her left cheek is dramatically greater than the other side.  The eyes and teeth are too bright it almost looks unnatural to the point where i want to look away.  I think the skin has nice midtones on her left temple, from there on everything else ets to bright and to much of the same color.  Almost sickly. i do think the hard crisp edges on the cheeks are a plus to the picture, they add depth.